
Collection Exhibition 2023-Ⅰ
Collection Highlighs + Collection Relations [Guest Artists: Tomoe Murakami + Daisuke Kuroda]

2023.7.1(Sat) — 11.12(Sun)

Photo: Keita Otsuka + Shunta Inaguchi

The “Collection Highlights” program will showcase selected works that are representative of the museum’s collection, while “Collection Relations” will feature different guest artists, related materials, and special exhibits with each edition. These programs are aimed at expanding the museum’s presentation of works from its collection.
*Works will be replaced during the exhibition

Collection Highlights

◯Welcome Back

This section introduces the artworks exhibited outside the museum and the artists who participated in the projects during the museum's renovation closure. Kaoru Hirano, for instance, showed her work at the Yebiden Gallery, a gallery facing Peace Boulevard, in her exhibition "Umblerra," The work of Issey Miyake, Ryu Kato, Tadanori Yokoo, Yayoi Kusama, and others have shown in our collection exhibitions held various places in town. You may have seen these works then and reencounter them again on this occasion at the museum. Please enjoy changes in its impression or unchanged charms of the work as well as how these works may have encountered with people outside the museum during the renovation closure.

◯Artist / Style

Artists explore their own themes to cultivate the original creative spectrum. Characteristics of each artist emerge in the process, although how it appears differs individually. Some artists focus on one theme throughout their careers, while others develop unique techniques in creating the works. Some artists establish their distinctive style that anyone can recognize. This section introduces the pieces that represent the representative style of the artist. If any work interests you, please remember the artist’s name. We hope that the artist whose work you have “seen” becomes the artist you “know” and eventually becomes your favorite.

◯ Hiroshima and Contemporary Art

When referring to Hiroshima in atomic bomb-related topics, we often describe its name in katakana (Hiroshima) compared to commonly used kanji (Chinese characters). While our acquisition policy includes “the works showing the link between Hiroshima and contemporary art,” the works relating to Hiroshima are not limited to atomic bomb-related matters. The artists have explored various themes, such as war, peace, or human losses and suffering. We have also acquired commissioned artworks on the theme of Hiroshima. What these works convey is not only Hiroshima as a site of atomic bombing but also a view of the world that emerges through the history of Hiroshima.

Artist *In order of appearance in the gallery

Kaoru Hirano, Issey Miyake, Ryu Kato, Tadanori Yokoo, Yayoi Kusama, Yves Klein, Andy Warhol, Magdalena Abakanowicz, Fang Li-jun, Lee Ufan, Atsuko Tanaka, Hideko Fukushima, Louise Nevelson, Mika Yoshizawa, Rieko Hidaka, Teppei Kaneuji, Bukichi Inoue, Mona Hatoum, Iri and Toshi Maruki, Isamu Wakabayashi, Takako Araki, Tetsumi Kudo, Tadashi Tonoshiki, Jiro Takamatsu, Arpana Caur, Yumi Domoto, Miran Fukuda, Tang Da Wu, Noe Aoki, Atsushi Suwa

Collection Relations

Tomoe Murakami + Daisuke Kuroda

This section invites Tomoe Murakami, who uses photography as a primary means for her work, and Daisuke Kuroda, who creates video works based on his research on modern and contemporary sculptures, as guest artists. Through their works that are born in their relationship to Hiroshima, the section seeks to introduce Hiroshima from their own perspective.

Ryu Kato, I am a museum, 2019
Courtesy of the artist ©︎Ryu Kato

Kaoru Hirano, untitled -koinobori-, 2017
Photo: Nozomi Tomoeda

Tomoe Murakami, Method for owing light, observation (Flower_2), 2021
Photo: Keita Otsuka + Shunta Inaguchi

Daisuke Kuroda, Practice for Gazen, 2022
Photo: Keita Otsuka + Shunta Inaguchi


Exhibition Period
2023.7.1(Sat) — 11.12(Sun)
Opening Hours

*Admission until 30 minutes before closing

Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art GalleryA
*unless Monday is a national holiday, in which case the museum will be closed on the next non-holiday.
Adults 350 (250) yen, University students 250 (150) yen, High school students and seniors (65 and over) 150 (100) yen
*Price in parentheses is that of a group of 30 or more
*Free for children under Junior High School age
[Hello! Collection Day]
The Collection Exhibition is free on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
[Nov 3 Culture Day]
Free for everyone

Guest Artist's Profile

Tomoe Murakami

Born in Chiba, Japan in 1980. Graduated from Waseda University, Faculty of Letters I, Department of General Humanities, specializing in Literature and Arts. After working at Tokyo University of the Arts, received MA from Northumbria University (UK) in 2022. Currently based in Hiroshima Prefecture.
She captures in her photographic works uncertain things in the landscape that we should be able to see but cannot, such as light that changes with the seasons and time of day, and air that changes with temperature and humidity. In recent years, she has deepened her interest in light in particular, and attempts to create works that include acts of observation and analysis.

Daisuke Kuroda

Born in Kyoto, Japan in 1982. Completed the doctoral course at Hiroshima City University Graduate School. Received his doctorate in research on Heihachi Hashimoto, a sculptor. In addition to creating artworks, he also curates and organizes exhibitions. Head of the artist collective "Team Yameyo. Currently based in the Kansai region.
Based on his research on sculpture, he has been creating a series of performance-oriented videos featuring modern and contemporary sculptors and their creative activities.


Installation View

Event Calendar