
Making things that are needed from things that are no longer needed in the museum.

  • workshop
Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, GalleryB-1
  • 13:00–16:00

Some of the materials

During museum renovations, items that were once part of the building are removed and become unneeded trash. Also, in exhibitions held on a regular basis, some of the materials used in the construction of the building are dismantled, and after the exhibition, the temporary walls, floors, and sometimes even parts of the artwork are dismantled and turned into unneeded trash. In this workshop, with the advice and support of Yasumura Hinako , participants can try their hand at making key rings, accessories, figurines, and other "something" out of these "no longer needed" materials. You can participate at any time during the workshop hours. Please note that you may be asked to wait for a while depending on how crowded the event is.

"Hagaijime Strap"

Instructor Profile

Yasumura Hinako
Born in 2000. Born in Hiroshima Prefecture.
While a student at Hiroshima City University Faculty of Art, she began creating and selling works in a group called "bonpoc". Currently selling "Hagaijime Strap" and other items at the museumshop "339".

Yasumura Hinako (bonpoc)
Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, GalleryB-1
*No reservation required

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