
Collection Exhibition 2014-Ⅲ
White on White-color, scene and space

2014.11.1(Sat) — 2015.2.8(Sun)

What connects us to a work of art? And how can we create such a connection? Each person responds to art in a different way – some are moved, some understand, and some are mystified. Each of the works also has different features, and the circumstances and context in which they are made also differ. How then is it possible to assemble these works with a wide range of traits in a space and create a single entity in the form of an exhibition?
With “white” as the keyword, we have set out to consider the relationship between the works and the space. In five sections, “White on White,” “White as Background,” “White in Monochrome,” “White in Black,” and “Space – White Expanse,” we explore how white functions and changes between the work and the viewer.
In the gallery, white moves back and forth infinitely between existence and absence, assuming the role of subject, background, and at times appearing to be transparent. By changing our viewpoint, the figure and ground switch places as in trompe l’oeil, and the blank space sometimes moves to the fore. Our impression of a work can change completely depending on how we perceive white. Confronting a variety of works in the gallery and changing our point of view accordingly is also what is required of us in contemporary society – a place where diverse values exist side-by-side.
There are no rules or prescribed methods for encountering a work. Between the work and the viewer, there is an expansive space filled with possibilities. We hope that this exhibition will provide you with an opportunity to view the highly individualistic works displayed in these white spaces from a slightly different perspective than usual.

Agnes Martin, Andy Warhol, Christian Boltanski, FUNAKOSHI Katsura, George Segal, HOSOE Eikoh, Joseph Beuys, KAWARA On, Robert Longo, Sam Francis, SUGIMOTO Hiroshi, TAKAMATSU Jiro, Yves Klein and more..


Exhibition Period
2014.11.1(Sat) — 2015.2.8(Sun)
Opening Hours

No admittance 30 minutes before closing

Mondays, Dec 27–Jan 1 *unless Monday is a national holiday, in which case the museum will be closed on the next non-holiday.
Adults 370 (280) yen, University Students 270 (170) yen, High School Students and Seniors [65 and over] 170 (130) yen
*Price in parentheses is a group of 30 or more
*Free for children under Junior High School age
*Nov 3 (Culture Day): Free admission
Organized by
Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art

Installation View

Event Calendar