JP-34 01
type C print

Work Description

Matsue, who personally travels to cities and remote areas around the world to set up a tripod on the ground and take photographs, has basically followed a rigorous format: compositions with no horizon line, a strong focus on flatness, and shooting with front-lighting that does not cause shadows to appear. On the other hand, in terms of media the artist does not limit himself to shooting on film, but is constantly seeking new photographic challenges as equipment and digital technologies evolve. The JP series, which derives its title from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) region code for Japan, is the artist’s only aerial photography series, and JP-34 refers to Hiroshima Prefecture. It is a contemporary, photographic version of a Fudoki (ancient chronicle on regional culture, geography, and oral tradition), presenting a bird’s-eye view of the history and culture of Hiroshima, as well as its topography, at the time the photographs were taken.

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