
Collection Exhibition 2017- I
Collection Highlights & Special Feature1: Experimental Film/Special Feature2: Various Silkscreens

2017.3.18(Sat) — 5.7(Sun)

This exhibition is composed of three parts: “Collection Highlights” plus the two special features “Experimental Films” and “Various Silkscreens.”

“Collection Highlights” will present a carefully curated selection of the Museum’s holdings, showcasing a diverse range of work focusing primarily on trend-setting practitioners of 20th-century American contemporary art. The first of the special features, titled “Experimental Film,” will shine a spotlight on video and film works, already well established as a contemporary art genre; taking viewers back to the dawn of video art, which began to take off in the late 1960s thanks to the development and uptake of video technology, and providing an overview of various experiments in video art up to the present day. The second special feature, “Various Silkscreens,” will examine the printmaking technique of silkscreen. Tadashi Tonoshiki, whose work is featured in the concurrent exhibition “Tadashi Tonoshiki: the Source of a Compelling Reversal,” is also known for his enthusiastic adoption of silkscreen printing from the 1980s onward. Viewing the two exhibitions together will allow visitors to enjoy a wide-ranging selection of silkscreen expression produced by both Japanese and international artists.

●Collection Highlights
Willem de Kooning, Frank Stella, Robert Rauschenberg, Nam June Paik and more…
●Special Feature: Experimental Film
Bruce Nauman, Toshio Matsumoto, Katsuhiro Yamaguchi, Nobuhiro Kawanaka, Keigo Yamamoto, Apichatpong Weerasethakul and more…
●Special Feature: Various Silkscreens
Tadashi Tonoshiki, Tadanori Yokoo, Ushio Shinohara, Richard Hamilton, Kim Tschang-yeul, Marcel Broodthaers, Andy Warhol and more…


Exhibition Period
2017.3.18(Sat) — 5.7(Sun)
Opening Hours

No admittance 30 minutes before closing

Mondays *unless Monday is a national holiday, in which case the museum will be closed on the next non-holiday.
Adults 370 (280) yen, University Students 270 (170) yen, High School Students and Seniors [65 and over] 170 (130) yen
*Price in parentheses is a group of 30 or more
*Free for children under Junior High School age
*May 5 (Children’s Day): Free for children under High School age
Organized by
Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art

Installation View

Event Calendar